June 24, 2021

How To Use Technology To Enhance Teaching & Learning

A young boy wearing a white VR headset

Staying up to date with class innovation can appear a complicated job for instructors. They have students to teach, documents to grade, and conferences to participate in-- which hardly scratches the surface of what instructors do every day.

That is why it is generally simpler to stick to the familiar tools used daily, even if they no longer serve the academic procedure. It is likewise really real that the very best tools worldwide can not change the competence of devoted teachers.

It is apparent that schools require to discover a balance between the two, and pick the kind of tech that serves them the best. They are required to understand what works best for their facilities, mentor techniques, and the capability to train personnel in using stated tools.

Technology In Classroom

Realities about the instructional advantages of innovation

Students work better and improve their knowledge when the chosen technology is complementary to the school's academic techniques. Here are some truths about the advantages of class innovation:

70% of trainees report greater grades and a much better presence in active-learning environments that utilize innovation than conventional ones.
92%  of instructors state they wish to utilize more innovation in their lessons than they currently do.
59% of trainees who utilize social networks state they utilize them to talk about instructional topics with their peers.
Schools that utilize more software applications related to evaluation reported better results than those that didn't.

Discovering imaginative methods to utilize innovation in the classroom can make life simpler as an instructor and increases student enjoyment levels and their engagement with lessons. From aiding the interaction amongst trainees and instructors (in addition to peer-to-peer) to arranging curriculum calendars, to improving discussions and lessons with media and visuals, there is no limitation to utilize innovation in the classroom to produce an enriched knowledge learning environment.

If you're trying to find concepts of how to utilize digital technology in the classroom to boost knowledge, here are some examples:

Gamified Learning

Video games can be extraordinary learning tools, and extremely interesting programs for mentors and students typing abilities, they make utilizing a computer system enjoyable and interesting and can set the structure for all other computer learning.  They can be a fantastic mentor tool, gamified knowledge can be as easy as developing a virtual scavenger hunt by coming up with a list of questions for students to browse and discover the proper responses and including students to groups, teams or league tables to motivate partnership and team effort!

Digital Field Trips

A significantly popular, beneficial, and affordable tool for instructors looking for brand-new methods to utilize technology in the classroom is taking digital school trip, virtually. Google Streetview and other comparable apps permit you to virtually check out parks, forests, and global landmarks and even nationwide landmarks from the convenience of your class. Essentially experience the view from the Statue of Liberty or trek through the Grand Canyon to get students thrilled to learn more about an area or topic and extend their learning beyond the page!

Incorporate Social Media

Due to the fact that students currently invest a lot of their time on social networks, incorporating its usage into your class is amongst the most ingenious methods to utilize technology in the classroom, by linking students to curriculum, class resources and one another. One idea might be to develop a Facebook group particularly for your class where you publish conversational subjects or establish special class Twitter hashtags students can utilize to talk about lessons or ask questions.

Collect Student Feedback

The true test of any class structure and/or curriculum is how well it assists students to discover. Getting feedback from students is important to examining this to assist in identifying what is and isn't working while resolving issues and confusion in real time. Using online studies and surveys to carry out weekly or daily check-ins to get their viewpoints on lessons and address sticking points or issues. Perhaps use twitter hashtags, by having students tweet their feedback and concerns with a class hashtag.

Developing Digital Content

Developing digital material associated with the topics they are discovering is a terrific method for students to show their individual innovative skills as well as display knowledge. As with any other task, the procedure of producing material is both amazing and insightful when students are able to immerse themselves in methods that highlight and accommodate their individual strengths and learning/communication designs.

Utilizing a Classroom Calendar

Establish a shared online calendar for your class through Google Calendar or a similar program for publishing essential updates and events. Post project due dates and class occasions (such as school outings and visitor speakers) in one quickly available area for both students and teachers. You could even disperse and share the calendar with parents to keep them updated and engaged with their kid's knowledge.

Evaluation and Critique Webpages

While we understand you can discover practically anything on the internet, we likewise understand that much of what you might discover is not reliable info from reliable sources. I keep in mind being informed regularly by teachers and instructors "Wikipedia is not a reliable source" when researching documents, however can't remember a single student who described why. Empower your trainees with digital literacy to evaluate and determine trustworthy websites and sources from undependable ones by evaluating them together, establishing and interacting requirements for what makes an excellent source.

Video/Multimedia Lessons and Presentations

Bring discussions to life for students by including visual results, pictures, videos, and music into them. Establishing slideshows and digital discussions, playing music or a video for background and context while providing, or welcoming virtual visitor speakers to engage with your class through programs created for a teleconference (such as Skype, Google Hangouts, and Facetime) are all enjoyable and innovative methods to improve engagement with lessons while teaching the advantages of innovation and multimedia to utilize.

Online Activities For Students Who Finish Work Early

Establish discovering stations to motivate and support students operating at their own rate. If a student ends up a task early, instead of being stuck waiting on other students to catch up or class to end, trainees can extend and boost their knowledge by checking a finding outstation and viewing videos, playing learning-based video games, or checking out other online activities connected to their knowledge.

Technology In Classroom

Incorporating technology in classroom enables more (and more reliable) interaction in between instructors and students, in addition to students and peers and moms and dads and instructors, all of which are crucial to trainees' scholastic success. Utilizing innovation in your class likewise produces area for students to have a voice in their knowledge. Trainees are empowered to take obligation of their learning through providing feedback on lessons, taking part in tasks and finding out activities that appreciate their uniqueness, and having chances and assistance to comprehend and find out how to utilize innovation artistically, successfully, and securely.


Schools have more tools than ever to select from, depending upon their facilities, budget and mentor techniques. There are numerous fine examples that demonstrate how innovation can enhance the instructional procedure and yield much better knowledge results.

Plus, incorporating technology in the classroom is more than welcome-- it is anticipated by instructors and students alike.