Last Thursday we received very exciting news! we are very proud to announce that our trusted partner International Towers won the top 10 AFR BOSS Most Innovative Companies award! We were very delighted to have the opportunity in assisting such an amazing team building fantastic, innovative projects in property, construction and transport area. The Australian Financial Review BOSS Most Innovative Companies award chose most innovative organisations from across industries in Australia and New Zealand, which carefully judged by Australia’s leading innovation consultancy, Inventium. This award celebrates and help organisations to grow through innovation.

Working side by side with such a passionate and creative partner, is an amazing experience, experience collaborating in building and delivering innovative and immersive project that has led us to a very fantastic outcome.

It was such an honour, and we sincerely appreciate International Towers making us part of their amazing team in assisting them to deliver fresh ideas to the industry. We are very much looking forward to our next exciting collaboration!